
Jerald & Marina

This day was extremely emotional for me. When Jerald read his card from Marina even I had tears in my eyes. Every wedding involves family. This day, however, not only involved family. It was all about their family. I even felt like part of the family! Growing up in a pretty-dang-close-knit home, this wedding was really special for me. There were some tears for those that couldn’t physically be there for the day but everyone knew they were still there. There was so much love shared not only between Jerald, Marina, and there soon-to-be child but between Every. Single. Person that was there. What an amazing day!

Matt & Shelby

Ok, you might not have in your mind that winter would be the best time to have a wedding. You might imagine nice greenery, a beach, or even falling leaves in October. You’re not wrong, all of those things can be absolutely beautiful. BUT, this. Wedding. Was. Incredible. It completely reverses any thought that winter isn’t the time to have a wedding. At least in my mind. Matt and Shelby both looked stunning, the white background and lightly falling snow just added to it.. Heading inside for warming cocktails and a great time with a great wedding party was the “icing on the cake.” Besides, it’s New York. Snow is a big part of our lives weather you like it or not - so I would challenge any couple to embrace it the way Shelby and Matt did because it turned out absolutely PERFECT!