
The Move To Tennessee

WE MADE IT! After months of living in a “tiny home” rental to prepare, as of November 2021 we are comfortably situated in Kingsport, Tennessee. Offices fully functional, gear ready for travel again, and even have the “homestead” growing with goats, chickens, and even a couple barn cats. Don’t get me wrong, there were SO many things we loved about NY. However, I will also say that the move was most certainly a good choice. The weather is incredible, wedding season is basically year-round, and the growing season for our garden is significantly extended. Things down here just seem slowed down. People seem generally more kind, less “busy,” and less rushed. Peaceful.

We are extremely excited to see what new relationships we will find and to start working alongside other vendors in this area. Of course, we are also VERY excited to meet all the new couples, families, and friends we will get to help by documenting their special days. Not to worry to all of our NY friends and colleagues, we have been hired to fly back to NY several times this year! So very excited to see everyone we possibly can (while not filming of course)!

That being said, before leaving NY, I was able to be a part of Stephen & Elizabeth’s BEAUTIFUL wedding day. Here’s a little peek:

Jerald & Marina

This day was extremely emotional for me. When Jerald read his card from Marina even I had tears in my eyes. Every wedding involves family. This day, however, not only involved family. It was all about their family. I even felt like part of the family! Growing up in a pretty-dang-close-knit home, this wedding was really special for me. There were some tears for those that couldn’t physically be there for the day but everyone knew they were still there. There was so much love shared not only between Jerald, Marina, and there soon-to-be child but between Every. Single. Person that was there. What an amazing day!

Sara & Brian

Sara & Brian were one of the most lovely couples to just.. watch. They were inspirational in their obvious and devout love for each other. Being a wedding videographer, you see that most everyone has some wedding “jitters” on the big day. These two were just so happy to be making it official that the happiness completely overwhelmed any nervousness. To add, Central New York brought us some sun!

“To the world you may be one person, but to one person you are the world.” – Bill Wilson